
Convergent Media Showcase Spring 2014: Success!


Despite the fact that no one expected an audience of over 70 people, over 100   experienced the Convergent Media/Comm Arts Capstone Showcase.

Christian Rios aka Dreamonoid (UIW  Convergent Media ’12) kicked off the event with one hour of electronic dance music (EDM) while people gathered and mingled within the storied halls of the Institute of Texan Cultures. As a luminescent aura clinged to the faces of the presenters and their minds became entranced with dreams of future innovations, projects, and creations, a lingering feeling of depravity remained…instilled in the psyches of the audience. Their faces lit up like candles in the winter, warmed by the light of convergence emanating from the glow of Yebediah and the sweetness of the pan de dulce served prior to the event.

The night transformed the Convergent Media Program, while emphasizing the forging reciprocal relationships with institutions, communities, and families.

We look forward to making this a yearly event!



Boy Made of Lightning presented at the Texas Book Festival


On October 26th, 2014 the Boy Made of Lightning team, which include CMC members Kaye Cruz and joey lopez presented along with author Barbara Renauld Gonzales at the Texas Book Festival.  In addition to the core Boy Made of Lightning team, Jonathan Guajardo and Andrew Valdez of the CMC collective also helped with various aspects of the books production.

The presentation went well and there was a good crowd that was very participatory in the reading of the story.  The Q&A session went well.  Overall we were very honored to be able to present at the Texas Book festival.  Congratulations to the Boy Made of Lightning team, we look forward to yals next book!



CM Helps Spare Parts Fine Arts Fair


On Friday, August 1, 2014 the Spare Parts Fine Arts Fair was held. The CM Collective was asked to snag some photos and pick up some video of the event. We have covered Spare Part activities in the past, but this one holds a special place in our hearts. The Spare Parts Fine Arts Fair main event is a re-use give away of materials for k-12 teachers. The purpose of the giveaway is help k-12 teachers with the hardship of having enough arts supplies for the entire year.

The cost of entry is a 10 dollar donation that goes to helping sustain the yearly event. What transpires at the Fine Arts Far is an amazing attendance by San Antonio teachers who come with all kinds of approaches to gaining the maximium amount materials. Event veterans come with huge suit cases and for n00b’s they often end up being coached by the veterans in line as to what to expect.

Overall the event is an amazing experience for all involved, whether you are a volunteer or a participant there is a certain energy that is created unites us all. If you want to get involved with next years event or would like to attend as a teacher, contact Spare Parts through their contact page. If you would like to support or donate to their cause, visit their Donation page.

We look forward to future collaborations with Spare Parts!