The passing of Cameron directly affected the collective. He will always remain in our hearts. We will always cherish our memory of him and his impact on those lives he’s touched. Though this year yielded success, every step of the way we worked with the memory of Cameron in our minds. We physically represented him by wearing our green ribbons at every function and dedicated all of our recent initiatives to him, including our biggest project entitled Converging Texan Cultures – a collaborative effort with the Institute of Texan Cultures.
An extremely multi-faceted individual, Cameron worked at Sherwin-Williams Paint alongside maintaining an academic work ethic that earned him the privilege of a dean’s list caliber GPA. He edited a special project for the San Antonio chapter of the Assistance League for his independent study, assisted students in their coursework, and planned to start his own media production company in the near future…a future that would never come to fruition.
Cameron had a deep respect for nature. He biked all over San Antonio, hiked throughout the hill country, and celebrated his unique zest for life with others. Inspired by his brother’s involvement in the music ministry, as well as his own personally creative experiences, Cameron began music composition the year before his passing. His pieces created an artistic persona that omitted a luminescent aura, capable of reaching even the most desolate spaces.
Below, we listed some of our memories of Cameron that highlight who his warm and outgoing personality.
The week before Cameron’s passing, he came by my house to borrow some of my personal equipment and my best friend’s 2-year-old went with me to answer the door in excitement. Cameron knelt down when the door opened and they exchanged fist bumps. That’s just the kind of personality that Cameron exuded.
-joey phd , UIW Comm Arts Professor
After hearing from his family and friends about how one time a 4-year-old family friend was told by his parents he could only invite three friends with him to Chuck E Cheese for his birthday and Cameron was one of them. Cameron gladly accepted his invitation and the four of them thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
-Family Friend
During this time last year I was in the process of filming a project when I noticed that some of the footage I shot was unusable and I needed to re-shoot. Since I was on a time crunch, I was unable to get a camera and tripod. Cameron rode to school on his bike in thirty degree weather and drizzle to bring me his personal camera and tripod so I wouldn’t have a set back. I know… who’s that nice? Bottom line: Cameron really was that nice.
-Miriam Thomas , UIW Comm Arts Grad ’13
Closing Words, Enduring Legacy
Cameron, your ability to inspire and give hope to others will never be forgotten. You pushed the boundaries of San Antonio’s creative spaces and encouraged the creativity of tomorrow’s young innovators. You taught us to regard life as something precious and you truly lived as a testimony to that philosophy. Below you will find videos, photography and other pieces of media either created by Cameron or taken of Cameron. These pieces remember Cameron for all the greatness he exuded throughout his lifetime.
A Front Porch Perspective-
The magazine he made the semester of his passing entitled: A Front Porch Perspective embodied Cameron’s visual presence. This piece showcased Cameron’s true heart and a progressive vision of the next generation. His words at the beginning demonstrate his love for nature and ambitions for his life and all of humankind.
Coffee Thoughts-
Cameron was always good at getting emotions and ideas across in his videos. The CMC crew felt this video really captures that.
Baytown Christian Academy Promo-
In addition to doing personal videos, Cameron was known around Baytown’s Christian Community as a film maker and would lend his services to various groups to help them get the Word out.
Silly Screens-
This is a musical piece Cameron made the year before passing. His ability to compose and sing amazes.
Here are some photos from various events that involved Cameron or the Convergent Media Collective’s efforts to remember him.
If you would like to share any personal stories regarding Cameron, we encourage you to leave your remembrances in the comments section below. (This is a memorial post, so please keep your comments clean and respectful)
-The CM Collective